Samba school in Rio

"Escolas de Samba" are a gathering of people from the same community who come together to rehearse the samba in preparation for Sambodrome parade during Carnival. Over seventy years ago, Samba Schools began in Rio de Janerio eventually developing into a main event of Carnival. Everyone who is part of the Samba School, novice to professional, all participate in Carnival. The performance is based on theme and includes the talents of the entire Samba School. Elements that are included in the parade are a master of ceremonies, flag bearer, bateria (drum section), and magnificently decorated floats.
Every year, the school chooses an idea to focus on for the parade. Each Samba School brings 3,000 to 5,000 people and 6 to 8 floats to the parade as well as take over an hour for their performance. Foreigners are welcome to join in a Samba School and since rehearsals begin as early as August, even if you are not in Rio during Carnival, you can experience the Samba Parade by going to a public rehearsal.

Top Samba Schools


Rua Silva Teles, 104 - Tijuca
Telephone: 2288-3065 / 2281-3134

Beija - Flor
Pracinha Wallace Paes Leme, 1.025 - Nilopolis
Telephone: 2791-2866

Rua Visconde de Niteroi, 1.072 - Mangueira
Telephone: 2567-4637

Imperatriz Leopoldinense
Rua Professor LacĂȘ, 235 - Ramos
Telephone: 2560-8067

Imperio Serrano
Av. Ministro Edgard Romero, 114 - Madureira
Telephone: 2489-8722

Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel
Rua Coronel Tamarindo, 38 - Padre Miguel
Telephone: 3332-5823

Rua Bertha Lutz N. 80 - Sao Conrado
Telephone: 2322-5948

Unidos da Tijuca
Av. Francisco Bicalho, 47 - Clube dos Portuarios - Sao Cristovao
Telephone: 2516-4053

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